11 December 2012

December Daily Continued

December Daily
Days 6 - 9

Day 6

Day 7 and Day 8

Day 9 (putting my husband to work while he visits us in NC)

Kids were VERY happy to have daddy home :)

The night before he had to go back to NY

Busy Busy Day 10. (notice the temperature...it DOES NOT feel like Christmas LOL) 

06 December 2012

We are BACK!!!

Alyssa and I are finally back and ready to begin again. What a long tiresome move this was. We are finally all set up again in North Carolina.

Currently, I am working on my December Daily. (September and October's will be posted at a later date - November was a blur, so no daily for that month)

On to our current Daily!!

We chose to use a spiral bound book form. I tend to over stuff my books so to make room for the Holiday Season and our upcoming trip to NY, I made sure there was extra room.  The cover is not finished, but its a "start" LOL

The inside cover shows pictures of my attempts at decorating. I have not found all my decorations yet and having a mantle is a new adventure for decorating. I will have to be on the lookout for larger items next year. The Oh My Pocket hides journaling cards. 

The Red and Green Circles are individual pages. For December 3rd, I hadn't taken any pictures, so I listed my three favorite Holiday songs!!

For the 4th Casanova, my husky pup, I journaled his first trip to the vet. (My arm is still recovering) and for the 5th, I figured one picture says it all.......Laundry day can be very profitable in this house :) Extra Christmas Money !!!! 

11 September 2012

Alyssa's Daybook

My Gal Pal......

I am currently working on a daybook for my favorite gal, my daughter Alyssa. Here is a sneak peak. I am hoping to upload a video tomorrow. I want to use as much natural light to get as close to the actual colors in the book as possible. Here is the cover. 

09 September 2012

How to use Rafflecopter for Day Book Give A Way


I just wanted to let everyone know that I have noticed that some are leaving comments but not using the log in under the picture to enter. In order to be entered you must use either the Facebook button or the email button to be entered through Rafflecopter.  This is a video that explains how to enter using Rafflecopter. Hope this helps!!!

How to Enter Rafflecopter Giveaways from Rafflecopter on Vimeo.

Its that time again.........Day Book Give A Way!!!

Ok, Alyssa and I have decided to give away our favorite Day book that we made. And it seems to be a favorite of our blog. The Butterfly Day book. We are trying something new this time. Rafflecopter!! Its a free give away tool and we are excited to try it. Good Luck To ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

******Please remember, you have to make sure we are able to get in contact with you. Alyssa and I need to be able to contact the winner  when the drawing is complete. Commenting is also mandatory so that we can be sure you were included. This is our FIRST use of Rafflecopter and we want to make sure its a pleasurable experience for all. If you have any questions you can contact me and annehotchkiss25@gmail.com.
GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

07 September 2012

Moving Day Book

The important things in life......

So I walked in to my craft room this morning with all intentions of starting to pack a "few" things up. I started to pull out a few binders and boxes that hold my stickers and embellishments and got a lil' distracted. Ok, fine, I got a lot distracted. My Moving day book was sitting on the desk. <Sigh> I was productive this morning......just not on packing.   hehe

Moving Day Book

COVER (Found some Thickers at Marshalls) 

Inside Cover ( Sold sign and leaving NY) 

First Page - My reminder to myself to be brave.....it is a big move. 


Some of the inside unfinished pages. 


Luckily for me, I need color ink. I am unable to print out photos I want to place in the book. Maybe I will get some packing done today after all :)

****Reminder.......Monday Alyssa and I will be unveiling our last Day Book Give a way prior to our "big" move.  I will post pictures of the book we will be giving away this Monday. September 10th

03 September 2012

We will be having one more junque journal give a way soon.....


Hi All !!!

Things have been busy around here with our upcoming move from NY to NC. Before we go, Alyssa and I are going to do one more give a way!!! One more junque journal/daybook give a way with embellishments and fun stuff. Check back and we will post the entry information soon......

A and A

25 August 2012




Jennifer Crow

Jennifer, I will be sending you an email today. Your package will be in the mail on Friday, August 31st-with extra special goodies as we will be on the road tomorrow for a quick unexpected trip to NC. Sorry for the extra couple of day wait, but I promise Alyssa will make it up to you.

There will be another drawing very soon. So please check back often. Alyssa and I have an extra special book we are currently making and can't wait to show it to you all. We have decided to give a way our first one. 

Thank you all for following our blog. We are trying to keep up with it as much as possible with the move. She has made quite a few new little projects that we will be unveiling when we return. (Her mom has been busy too on some projects, but Alyssa has TAKEN over my craft room).

21 August 2012

Craft Room Woes

I admit it!!! I am a Paper Addict. 

Ok I admit it. I hoard craft paper. Not just scrapbook paper. Any paper. Ephemera is my new addiction. I put it in all our junque journals. (By the way, we like that spelling as it is very Parisian.) Alyssa LOVES anything French. Ok, back on topic. I wander, I know.

My hoarding paper addiction is getting me into trouble. Not with anyone. With my craft room. Which also doubles as my office. In two weeks, my day job will be finished.  I work with special needs children and provide Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapy. I couldn't take on any more cases for the new school year when I  knew I would be heading to North Carolina soon.

So crafting is taking over the room. I have paper everywhere. Boxes of paper scraps. (If there is even an inch left of paper, it gets saved) Baskets ( an addiction I have let up on in recent years) now hold note paper of all shapes and sizes. I need more modular draws to keep my paper in. I have cute and funny post its EVERYWHERE. Stacks of them. Lined paper for sticking into junque journals are everywhere. We use the paper. I have paper from 13 years ago still in my collection.

So I figured I would give everyone a peek into my craft room. Which I hope to better organize when I move. One house we are looking at has a basement. Another house has closets with built in shelving in a "study". To me study translates to craft room and built in shelving translates to Paper Holders :) Can you guess which house peeked my interest????
 ~~~~Happy crafting everyone
A & A
Some of its work related, but most is craft. The file boxes hold paper. The shoe boxes hold stamps and inks.

The larger box holds sewing, ribbon and binding supplies as well as a took kit. The smaller box holds my doodling and drawing supplies.

Almost all drawers are paper for crafts. Except two. One holds office supplies. The other computer related papers for the house.

want a second of this one. This is my supply cabinet.  (notice the stack of papers I have no room for to the right of it.LOL)


Pens that didn't fit in the other box.

Sizzix stuff that did NOT fit in the storage boxes.

sizzix and spellbinders dies

my binders- the large black binder holds all my stickers. They are categorized and in page protectors. The smaller two binders hold tags, journal cards and envelopes. All are in trading card pages. :)

My floor is a missLOL. The boxes are from IKEA. They hold .........drum roll.......more paper

20 August 2012



The JUNQUE JOURNAL GIVE A WAY says that the drawing will be held Saturday, August 26th. It will be held on Saturday, August 25th. I cannot correct the give away page post as it will change the location and anyone who linked it to check back will not be able to find it. I will also post this correction in the comment section. 

Sorry all for any confusion!!!

GOOD LUCK TO ALL !!!!!!!!!

19 August 2012



Alyssa and I have been busy all summer making daybooks and Junque Journals. Tonight we decided to make one to give a way on my (our) blog. If you are interested in entering, please click the link below. Or you can access the Give A Way page at the top of this page. Good Luck!!!!

**If you are entering the Junque Journal give a way, please do not comment on this post. You can click the link above or go to the Junque Journal Give a Way page to comment to enter. (The pictures of the actual journal are in the post you need to comment in.) Thank you....Anne and Alyssa
My Most Recent Smashing adventure:

This is my Large Purple Book. I am trying to use it for memories from the house we are living in now. (We are moving soon to North Carolina) This is my favorite page so far. Its doodles and drawings and quotes that remind us of all the things we love about living here.

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