30 January 2014

Book of Lists (30 days of Lists)

Up all Night

Craft Room Re-do and Second book of lists :)

Well, I can officially now say I am addicted to list books. I like the idea of it. Its quick, easy, and somewhat like keeping a diary. Plus I get to use up all my scraps!!!!! YAY!!  Last night, when I couldn't sleep, I decided if my craft room was cleaner, I would use it more. So what started out as straightening up a few little sections, turned into an all night event. We have been "snowed in" so to speak for three days. Its NC and we got two inches. I am feeling a bit closed in. So where do I escape ….. my favorite room in the house.

Back to the list book :)  I wanted to make a small enough one to fit in my bag so I could keep it with me in case inspiration hits. Now in reality, my bag could probably fit one of my children in it with room to spare,  but I wanted to keep it small so that I could keep it with me. Ok, maybe not so much for when inspiration hits but more for when I think of a great list idea and can't remember the great idea by the time I get home, or five minutes later, for that matter.  I added lots of pockets and a large piece of graph paper so I could write down ideas for lists. Every page in it is scraps from my scrap box. Including a couple of pages from an Amy Tangerine daybook that my dog had gotten a hold of and played keep away with for a half an hour. (He wouldn't even give it up for a bone!!!) The poor book couldn't be saved, but I did cut down some of the pages he had left untouched. I was actually more upset that I didn't think to take a picture. 

25 January 2014

30 days of lists modified (Just saying…)

Cover of my 30 days of lists……Named it Just saying
Hi All!!!!
Been very lax with my blog lately, but thanks to a really nice Christmas gift from the hubby I hope that will change. (A Nikon Camera….I feel like a grownup now!!!) Now on to the latest project.  As always, I love the idea of 30 days of lists, but am not dedicated enough to do it daily. So of course, I modified it. I decided to call my project…Just saying.

My 10 years ago page……(This to that adhesives to layer the clouds)

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